The same year as the Fifth, Mokranjac wrote the Sixth Garland (1892) dedicated to songs about the legendary hero of the First Serbian Uprising, Hajduk-Veljko, whose deeds and death are associated with Mokranjac’s homeland – Krajina and Negotin. It was first performed for the unveiling of a memorial to the hero in Negotin on July 13,1892. The impressive opening song, Mula-Pasha Pens Letter, rather like an epic ballad, is entrusted to a tenor soloist with the chorus repeating his words (in the male chorus version this song is further developed). Following as a contrast is a gentle, lyric love scene, An Almond Tree Has Grown, one of the loveliest slow movements in the Garland cycle. After two brief episodes the final song, Ailing Lies, the Kara Mustafa, in a full-bodied choral movement ends like a hymn to the hero of Krajina.
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