XII Garland

XII GarlandPredominantly lyric in content, the Twelfth Garland (1906, first performed on January 13, 1907) consists of songs from Kosovo. It does not achieve the formal balance of the two preceding but features the song The Flowers Have Blossomed with its remarkably pure melody line and elegant modal (Aeolian) harmonization. It seems a bit ascetic at the beginning with a soprano solo, a tenor solo, and only then the chorus. It is preceded by three songs: the lively, though lender Wliere Were You and then Oh, You Were Walking full of suppressed sensuality, given in the full harmonics of a male chorus, and the rhythmic Have I Not, in which Mokranjac extended the range of the melody he had originally recorded. The last song Vie Maid Sits is a light finale in a brisk tempo.

XII Garland   Verses