45th Festival, 09. september – 14. 0ctober 2010.
Thursday 9th September
19:00 Small stage – Cinema “Krajina”
Sounds of Mokranjac followers
Promotion of the album Mokranjac followers
Moderator Alexandra Paladin, master of musicology
Ognjen Grčak, guitar
Friday 10th September
17:00 The House of Mokranjac
Opening ceremony
The welcoming word by the president of the municipality of Negotin, Dr. Vlajko Djordjević; Oration: Bora Dugić; Festival is opened by Nebojša Bradić, Serbian Minister of culture
The VI Rukovet (VI Garland) of Stevan Mokranjac
The joined performance of choirs participating in The Choir competition,
Choir of The Church of the Holy Trinity and
MS Choir Stevan Mokranjac, Negotin
18:00 The gallery of the House of Culture
An exhibition of paintings by Vladimir Veličković
19:00 The House of Culture
The Choir competition
1. Choir Stanko Dragojević, Montenegro, Conductor Ilija Dapčević
2. Choir Lola, Serbia, Conductor Milovan Pančić
3. Choir Josip Štolcer Slavenski, Croatia, Conductor Senka Bašek – Šamec
4. Choir Stiv Naumov, Macedonia, Conductor Ljubomir Trifunovski
5. Choir Musica Humana, Serbia, Conductor Birkaš Janoš
Obligatory composition
Stevan St. Mokranjac: Statija treća (Stasis third)
Jury for The Choir competition
Dr. Branka Radović, musicologist; Nemanja Savić, conductor; Ivan Jevtić, composer
Saturday 11th September
11-22:00 City Square
Exhibition Ethno Heritage in Eastern Serbia
Organizers RARIS, GTZ-KWD, MAFWM and Tourist Organization Negotin
12:00 The House of Mokranjac
Academic tribune
Church Music of Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac
Lecturer Dr. Ivana Perković
Moderator Dr. Sonja Marinković
19:00 The gallery of the House of Culture
An exhibition of paintings
Echo Music – 11 Art Colony Vratna
20:00 The House of Culture
Anthology of Serbian Songs
Katarina Jovanović, soprano; Dragana Jugović del Monaco, mezzo-soprano;
Aneta Ilić, soprano; Vladimir Andrić, baritone
Jasna Tucović, piano; Lidija Stanković, piano; Stana Krstajić, flute
Organizers The days of Mokranjac and Association of Composers of Serbia
22:00 Church of The Holy Trinity
Spiritual music
First Belgrade Singers’ Society
Conductor Svetlana Vilić
Sunday 12th September
Excursion to village Mokranje
Threads of tradicion – MOKRANJE
11:00 Church of The Holy Trinity in Mokranje
First Belgrade Singers’ Society
Conductor Svetlana Vilić
12:00 Church of The Holy Trinity in Mokranje
Cultural Art Society Stevan Mokranjac, Negotin
Cultural Art Society Mokranjac, Mokranje
20:00 The House of Culture
Dedications to Negotin and Mokranjac
Academic Choir Collegium Musicum, Belgrade
Conductor Darinka Matić-Marović
22:00 The House of Culture
Symphony of the spirit and breath
Bora Dugić, small and large pipe
Performers Ensemble Winds of Balkans;
Guests Jelena Tomašević, The female vocal group Smilje,
Academic Choir Collegium Musicum
Conductor Darinka Matić-Marović
Monday 13th September
12:00 Small stage – Cinema “Krajina”
In honor of Schuman
The Association of music artists of Republika Srpska
In part:
Aleksandar Jovanović, clarinet
Dejan Trkulja, clarinet
Marija Tomić, flute
Sanja Šeranić, piano
Timea Hotić, piano
19:00 Small stage – Cinema “Krajina”
Choir Ipavska, Vipava (Slovenia) – winner of The Choir competition 2009th
Premiere of the cantata Sepulchres of light
Composer Dejan Despić, gift to Festival
Conductor Matjaž Šček
20:30 The House of Culture
HAIR, musical
Directed by Kokan Mladenović
Theatre Atelje 212 – Belgrade
Tuesday 14th September
10:00 Archaeological site VRELO Šarkamen
Marking 175 years since the birth of composer Davorin Jenko
Promotion of the 26th magazine Buktinja (Torch)
Choir Ipavska, Vipava (Slovenia)
Conductor Matjaz Šček
Organizers The days of Mokranjac and Krajina’s literary club Negotin
19:00 The House of Culture
Two centuries since the birth of Robert Schumann
Piano music
Sara Vujadinović, Uki Ovaskainen and piano duo Dejan Subotić and Tea Dimitrijević
Organizers The days of Mokranjac and Jugokoncert Belgrade
20:30 Church of The Holy Trinity
All-night wake – Sergei Rachmaninov
Choir of Radio-Television of Serbia
Conductor Bojan Sudjić
22:00 Music Pavilion City Park
Ethnic sounds and echoes
Chamber ensemble RAKIJA, Norway
Wednesday 15th September
12:00 The House of Mokranjac
Zepter Book represents
Score – the hidden world of silence and sound in the novels of T. Mann and H. Hesse
Authors: Slobodan Lazarević, Aleksandar Djurić and Dr. Branka Radović
19:00 Music school Stevan Mokranjac
Two centuries since the birth of Frederic Chopin
Young Laureates
Milica Bovan, Momčilo Petrović, Luka Mihailo Jović and Nikola Avramović
Organizers The days of Mokranjac and Jugokoncert Belgrade
20:00 The House of Culture
Ladies sing jazz
Big Band Radio-Television of Serbia
Soloists Biljana Krstić, Lena Kovačevic and Svetlana Palada
Thursday 14th October
20:00 The House of Culture
Leningrad Academic Choir Glinka, St. Petersburg (Russia)
Conductor Vladislav Černušenko
At about 22 hours, The closing ceremony of the Festival
Award ceremony to the sponsors of 45 th The days of Mokranjac
Closing word Dr. Branka Radović, Festival selector
The festival is closed by Dr. Vlajko Djordjević, the president of the municipality of Negotin